Tuesday, January 13, 2009

No Time

Since apparently everyone in my house is reverting back to baby stage, I don't have time to write some amazing post that could make you laugh, or cry, or elicit sympathy for me. Nor can I make myself look like supermom, and neither do I have some major short comings that would leave you in hysterics. Ok, so maybe I do, but I'm not opening that can of worms this morning.

So, today I'm opting to send you elsewhere. Go. Please. This lady had me in stitches this morning. As she does often.


Anonymous said...

Here, praying that today was a better day, that tomorrow is better yet.
At that rate, by Friday, you'll be stitching us up...
Praying that the Powerful Nurture gives you a break so you can get around to Powerful Love, which feeds you too.

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit to your blog.. And I just loved your site...Its fine if you are not having some great stories for your blog..God bless to all those children's