Friday, October 3, 2008


I usually go kicking and screaming. But in this case, my little blog space has been looking "ack!" for a long time. Change was needed. Some people think I am very creative because of my music. And I suppose that part of me is. But artsy? Not a bit. A friend once even forbid me to cut out any more of the Christmas ornaments our children were making for a charity. Really. That bad. That term about not being able to draw stick people really does apply to me, no exaggeration. And, I must also admit, that I'm not exactly happy about practicing or trying very hard if I already know I can't be really good at it.

So, I followed this friend's link to here, and it looked easy enough! Now maybe I'll be more inspired to take the time and add some things to my side bar. You know, in all my spare time! ;)


hsmomma said...

I love it!

Was this the layout called 'Sugar and Spice'? I think it was her that had one by that name and I thought of you.

Anonymous said...

They both look awesome!!!There is always a little artsy in just have to find it. ;)

Melissa Stover said...

very cool! see, you can do it.