Saturday, September 20, 2008

All's right with the world

There are 5 children under there, somewhere. Tent building has always been a favorite with my kids, but lately they've hit it full force, and I've folded more blankets in the last 5 days than anyone should have to in an entire lifetime.

While it isn't quite as cool as I would like, at least a wave of heat doesn't steal your breath when you walk outside. The kids are all running in and out of the house, and I hear squeals of laughter (and some of I-didn't-get-my-way squeals occasionally are heard, too) and the sounds of happy kids enjoying the lazy day and a break from draining heat. I couldn't care less about watching football myself, but I love this time of year when a game can regularly be heard in the background in our home. Only today, it isn't so "background". And apparently, it's an interactive ball game. Arkansas must not be doing so well, as my husband is jumping around the living room complaining about the incompetent players, and telling, er, I mean yelling, out the way it should be done. Because, you know, he knows better than any of them. That's why they are begging him to come and coach the team. I wish. But the truth is, I love that about him. What fun is someone who JUST watches?

I know I haven't posted as often lately, but I figure most of you are tired of reading about RAD. It's all consuming right now, as I am gathering every scrape of information I can find. Christine has shared some great links, and Annie sent me several books in the mail. Little else has come to mind to post about. My most recent reading has brought much needed hope. There is substantial research that says prognosis for RAD is not the very dim, psychopath outcome that was once suggested. In fact, new research, with more understanding and newer therapeutic methods, is finding that disoriented/disorganized attachment patterns can be resolved.

We ventured out to our school's football game last night, made a trip to the park today for a game of kickball ( I LOVE that our family is big enough we can actually have teams and everything!) and some swinging/sliding. We lounged the day away, after a huge breakfast the kids have just been snacking through the day. This kind of day, especially after a late night away (I did no cleaning after the ball game last night and having guest for supper) means the house was a WRECK! But each kid took a zone in the house and we had it looking pretty decent in about an hour. So now, we'll have some popcorn and a movie. If only everyday could be this way!


Mom of these kids said...

I love good days!! I am not tired of hearing about RAD, I like hearing about your jouney with it/her and the ups and downs. If it makes you feel better, keep posting about it!

hsmomma said...

There's football....and then there is embarrassment. Today, the Razorbacks qualified for the latter. :)

I am the same way about football. I love hearing it and it always brings back fond memories of my daddy listening/watching games when I was a kid. I have gotten more interested in actually watching it in the last few years, but I still do not have a clue as to what is going on. I ask my football fanatic boys lots of questions but never really understand the answers they give me. :)

I am not tired of reading your RAD posts and I have a funny story to tell you about one of the techniques we have emailed about. Maybe soon I will get to absorb the info you sent and send you some thoughts.

annieology said...

Talk as much as you want about RAD - it gives us perspective and commeraderie.

40winkzzz said...

Thought I'd pop in and say hi. Don't know much about RAD (sing that to the James Taylor tune, and yes I do know a *little* about it, and no I don't mind hearing about it), but I do know a lot about blanket tents. :-)

glitzen said...

I'd love some heat! Its getting quite cold here. will be in the 30s soon I fear.
Your journey is good to read, and you are very real and very vulnerable. I am thinking about fostering to adopt someday. I am learning so much.